GenerationWe convert the energy in raw materials into electrical energy for sale to the Transmission. Generation also explores ways of increasing power generation with a view to providing a lower total cost of supply and increasing the proportion of locally produced energy supplied and increasing the overall security of supply to the BPC system.
TransmissionThis is the distribution of Electricity at high voltage from the power station to the point of distribution either to the urban or rural areas. Electricity Transmitted here is at 400Kv, 220KV and 132Kv, in this state electricity is not in a state that can be consumed. This Electricity is bought in bulk from generation, this also includes importing of electricity via cross connections, from neighboring countries. Imports are traded through the Short Term Energy Market and bi-lateral contracts. We create and operate transmission network assets in order to effectively sell electricity to customers through the value chain.
From the transmission points Electricity is stepped from High voltage to low Voltage by transformers for distribution to the clients. Electricity being distributed here is at 66Kv, 33Kv, 11Kv and 6.6Kv. The distribution network terminates.
Rural Electrification
In 1975, the Government of Botswana commenced the Rural Electrification Programme with the assistance of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). In order to provide mains (grid) electricity supply to some major villages, the Government created the Rural Agency, within the BPC as the implementing agency for the programme.
The rural electrification programme has been continued ever since then in a bid to improve the living standards of the rural populace. During NDP 7(April 1991 – March 1997), Government made a decision to electrify seven villages per annum in its drive to expand the provision of electricity to rural areas. The number of villages to be electrified was increased from 7 to 14 per annum during NDP 8 (April 1998 –March 2004).
Provision of electricity to rural areas is part of government's effort to promote rural development as the setting up of new business is facilitated by the availability of electricity. Government, as the custodian of rural electrification, to a great extent, provides financial support to BPC to implement rural electrification projects only. Government provides the financial support for social and economic development while BPC is compelled to comply with the Act. The Act requires BPC to conduct its business in line with the provisions of Section 17(1) of the BPC Act CAP 74:1. The Act requires BPC to conduct its business on commercial basis and to operate on full cost recovery principle.
Customer Service
This is the customer interface point where we connect electricity to individual customers and measure units consumed by individual customers for billing. We also sell electricity units via our customer service centers networks across the country. This is the place where we do Customer Relationship Management through our contact centers.