
  • Choose a refrigerator of a size based on the needs of your family; refrigerators operate at peak efficiency when filled; however it should not be over filled.
  • Thick frost on chilling panels reduces cooling ability. If you do not have a frost-free model, defrost your refrigerator when frost’s thickness approaches 0.6cm.
  • Don’t open your refrigerator door needlessly. By getting into the habit of removing and replacing several articles at once, you’ll reduce loss of cold air.
  • Let hot foods cool down before placing them into the refrigerator. (To a void bacterial growth allow at least 20 minutes standing time).
  • Be sure that the seal around your refrigerator door is intact. (Close the door on a piece of paper: If you can pull the paper out easily, the seal needs to be replaced).
  • Remove all wrappings from food before storing it in the fridge.
  • Foods should be placed slightly apart on refrigerator shelves, to allow the cooling air to circulate.
  • Exposed condenser coils/panels (usually at the back of the unit) must be kept clean and dust free. When cleaning you must be careful not to damage the panels.
  • Don’t place the refrigerator near the stove or against an un-insulated wall that faces the sun.
  • Allow adequate space around the refrigerator for free air circulation.
  • Turn on the energy saving switch if one is fitted to the refrigerator.
  • Turn off, empty, clean and leave refrigerator door open when taking an extended holiday.
  • Cover all liquids stored in the frost-free refrigerator models.